
Rome – Signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation with the Beijing Institute for International Olympic Studies (BIIOS)

On Sunday, September 24, 2023, in Rome, the Hellenic Olympic Academy (ΗΟΑ) signed a memorandum of cooperation with the Beijing Institute for International Olympic Studies (BIIOS), one of the biggest universities in China, in collaboration with the Italian Olympic Academy (AONI).

The International Fair Play Passport has the potential to shape a global culture and a total inclusion within sports; since the Olympic Values have strong social impact.
The IFPP involves the whole world, without any borders.

All collaborating institutions agreed to use their knowledge, researches and educational programs in order to contribute in the best possible way to transmit the Olympic ideals to the young generation of their countries.

Mr HE Ming, Party Secretary, Mr ZUO Wei, Director of the Department of cooperation and Exchange, Mr ZHANG Fan, Director of Human Resource, Ms LI Tingting, Director of the Department of Development and Planning, Sport Sociologist Prof. Gennaro Testa, International projects and initiatives ambassador of the Italian Olympic Academy (AONI), creator of the “International Fair play Passport” and the Director of HOA Ms Denise Panagopoulou were present.

The signing of the MoU honored with their presence the Executive Director of the International Fair play Committee, Mr Gabor Deregan, the Secretary General of the European Fair play Movement, Mr Ioannis Psilopoulos (on line), the President of the National Italian Fair play Committee, Mr Ruggero Alcanterini and the Director of Scuola Dello Sport Mrs. Rossana Ciuffetti.

Mr HE Ming, part Secretary of BIIOS, spoke about the University’s activities, stating that he is particularly pleased with this long-term cooperation, which is based on a common strategic vision for the promotion of Olympic ideals and Olympic values, aiming at a worldwide promotion of “Fair Play”.

The President of the Italian Olympic Academy (AONI) Mr. Mauro Checcoli, expressed his satisfaction for this great cooperation and the President of the Hellenic Olympic Academy Mr. George Alikakos stressed the importance of cooperation between all the institutions and his great pleasure that the “International Fair play Passport” (IFPP), through this MOU, will travel to China.

Gabor Deregan, Executive Director of the International Fair play Committee, said that he would be very happy in the near future to work closely, both with the University of China and with the Greek and Italian partners, in order that we all together achieve the success, of making the value of Fair play, to reach the sky!

Mr. Ioannis Psilopoulos, Secretary General of the European Fair Play Movement, noted that this MoU is a significant tool towards the promotion of the Olympic Values via academic collaboration and sharing of educational resources.

Fair Play being a basic factor of the Olympic Values is obviously a key issue of this Agreement and the IFPP can be a supporting tool, as it serves as a messenger for the significance of ethics and integrity in sports as well as in the whole society.

Finally said that the European Fair Play Movement will help in the fulfillment of the goals of the present MoU in the extent permitted by its Statutes and wished the best success to this project.
